Smart Solutions For All Your Needs
PnETechnologies provides best Solar Energy and ICT solutions in Pakistan, specializes in IT Hardware and Software Development and Clean Energy to reduce electricity bills and improve business productivity with non-stop power.
Our Services
Best Infrastructure Development Services Provider Nation-Wide
PnETechnologies is named out a renowned service provider.
- Hardware Services Solutions
- Software Development Solutions
- Enterprise and Smart Solutions
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End Power Outages Forever !
Get PnETechnology Smart Solar & Never Lose Power Day or Night
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Smart Solar Solutions for Domestic Commercial & Industrial Sectors
Get Energy Control of Your Business with Enhanced Operational Efficiency
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Why Choose PnETechnologies ?

Smart Solar and IT Overview

Smart Living with The Next Generation Advanced Solar Energy System

Intelligent Solar & Lithium Battery Energy Storage with 24/7 Cloud Connected Support

Smart Solution for Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Sites

Improve Business Productivity and Performance with No Power Outages & Lowest per unit Electricity Cost!

ICT Solution & Software Development
Services Provider

IT Infrastructure Hardware and Software Development with 24/7 Cloud Connected Support

We are one of the pioneer solar energy & ICT solutions provider in Pakistan.
Our primary offerings include:
Residential Solar Solutions

Reliable, dependable and economical self generated clean energy for homes

Commercial Solar Solutions

Cost effective renewable energy for commercial enterprises

Industrial Solar Solutions

Large scale solar power plants for Industries to reduce operational costs and carbon foot print

Agricultural Solar Solutions

Sustainable agriculture with grid free, low maintenance solar water pumping systems

IT Hardware & Software Solutions

System Integration, and Consultancy. Application Development, Social Media Marketing, Web Design

Our Services

We constantly seek tech updates to ensure we are always ahead of the
curve with all the services we offer
Satisfied Customers
Projects Completed
Systems Installed


Find out why people love working with PnE Technologies


Find out why people love working with PnE Technologies